フィンランドCadmatic社開発の船舶用3D CADシステム。世界50カ国で展開、700社以上の顧客を持つ
Cadmatic社の日本語版Webサイト:( https://www.cadmatic.com/ja/ )
- インターネット経由の分散型設計が可能なCOSサーバーシステムを備える
- 船殻/配管艤装の両面の基本設計から生産設計まで利用可能なシステム
- 日本では、SEA創研と郵船商事がリセラー
- 実務経験を踏まえた実用的な3D CADトレーニングを実施。遠隔地エンジニア向けには3D CADトレーニングが可能
関連資料:cadmatic社季刊誌( Cadmatic eShare 2020 、Marine eXperience 2020 No,3、Marine eXperience 2020 No.4 )
Sales and support to 3DCAD “CADMATIC” 【SDC】
CADMATIC is the 3D CAD system for specializing in the marine engineering field.
CADMATIC is expanding into 50 countries and currently licensed at more than 700 customers.
CADMATIC Japanese web site : (https://www.cadmatic.com/ja/ )
・The engineers can work sepalately sharing COS saver system in via internet.
・This system can use from basic design to produt design in fields of hull and outfitting.
・SEA and NYK Trading Co. are the reseller in Japan.
・SEA can provide you to have a 3D CAD practical training.
・SEA can provide 3D training lessons in remote depending on the requests.
・Relevant material: ( CADMATIC eShare 2020 information, Marine eXperience 2020 No.3. and No.4 )